About a year ago, in preparation for this new phase of life: marriage, new house etc, I got a secular job.
Along with all the ministry and traveling that I was doing, I got a secular job where I was interacting and tutoring Public High School & College age students. Often it was one-on-one or in a group setting of 2-3 students. Occasionally I would complain about why God had me in that position not understanding that He is the one that opens and closes doors. I was reminded about something my late father often said: 'Never be afraid to work hard, the only thing to be ashamed of is if you are a thief. I never imagined myself doing any kind of secular work but truly this was one of the greatest advantages that I believe I have now in ministry. I have a years experience interacting with secular, modern youth in a neutral setting.
I wish that I could introduce you to Amanda, Kristen, Carlos, Blake, Brian, Andrew, Britney and many of the 500+ students that I have tutored. Through the experience of teaching in a public context, I have met the 2014 Modern High-School Student, up close and personal. One thing that has been encouraging is about 80% of the time in the middle of our 1 or 2 hour sessions, something always came up about God.
Today's High School Student is not as close minded or agnostic as we think of the subject of God, Faith or Religion. In fact I have seen most kids today are very open to hearing and even instantly changing their opinions based on EVIDENCE that can be presented to them no matter what the subject, be it faith, morality, human sexuality, abortion or any of the controversial issues facing society.
Today's High School student studies and interacts in an atmosphere where Sexuality is common place. Based on conversations that I have had, at least 100% of all high school students know at least 1 or more 15-16 year old that is pregnant. I don't have official statistics but based on my conversations, the virgin is outnumbered and is in a very small minority. Bi-sexual and same sex relationships are much more common today than at any other time.
Technology is so important to this age group. They are at the cutting age of what is recent and popular. What they do today with technology, the apps they use to communicate with, are what their parents will be using in 2-3 years. Recently I was at a wedding and at least 20 adults over the age of 60 came up to me and told me that they follow me on Facebook. High School students don't use Facebook as they used to. Maybe they don't use it because all of their parents and grandparents are on it now.
Instagram, Twitter, Snap-chat and other such sites are more popular for them. Smaller updates, more visually driven and temporary.
My question to church leaders, Pastors and committees and board members is this:
What are you doing to reach this generation? How are you strategically planning to reach their hearts and minds? Is relevance an issue when you are selecting a man or woman to lead your youth? Is what qualifies your youth Pastor a Bible College degree that they got 15 years ago in a foreign country?
Do your youth relate to him/her? What experiences do your leaders have that qualify them to reach your youth? An important lesson that I have learned is that it is so important to know who you are ministering to. The youth that you see at youth group or in church on Sunday mornings is not necessarily the same young person on Monday through Friday. Many have a church identity and a school identity. It is useless to try to minister to their church worldview and that ministry not impact who they are at school. I encourage Youth Leaders, Pastors and parents to go to your kids schools, have lunch in their cafeteria, walk the hallways in between class. I guarantee that you will be challenged to minister with greater Relevance to the 2014 High School Student.
Along with all the ministry and traveling that I was doing, I got a secular job where I was interacting and tutoring Public High School & College age students. Often it was one-on-one or in a group setting of 2-3 students. Occasionally I would complain about why God had me in that position not understanding that He is the one that opens and closes doors. I was reminded about something my late father often said: 'Never be afraid to work hard, the only thing to be ashamed of is if you are a thief. I never imagined myself doing any kind of secular work but truly this was one of the greatest advantages that I believe I have now in ministry. I have a years experience interacting with secular, modern youth in a neutral setting.
I wish that I could introduce you to Amanda, Kristen, Carlos, Blake, Brian, Andrew, Britney and many of the 500+ students that I have tutored. Through the experience of teaching in a public context, I have met the 2014 Modern High-School Student, up close and personal. One thing that has been encouraging is about 80% of the time in the middle of our 1 or 2 hour sessions, something always came up about God.
Today's High School Student is not as close minded or agnostic as we think of the subject of God, Faith or Religion. In fact I have seen most kids today are very open to hearing and even instantly changing their opinions based on EVIDENCE that can be presented to them no matter what the subject, be it faith, morality, human sexuality, abortion or any of the controversial issues facing society.
Today's High School student studies and interacts in an atmosphere where Sexuality is common place. Based on conversations that I have had, at least 100% of all high school students know at least 1 or more 15-16 year old that is pregnant. I don't have official statistics but based on my conversations, the virgin is outnumbered and is in a very small minority. Bi-sexual and same sex relationships are much more common today than at any other time.
Technology is so important to this age group. They are at the cutting age of what is recent and popular. What they do today with technology, the apps they use to communicate with, are what their parents will be using in 2-3 years. Recently I was at a wedding and at least 20 adults over the age of 60 came up to me and told me that they follow me on Facebook. High School students don't use Facebook as they used to. Maybe they don't use it because all of their parents and grandparents are on it now.
Instagram, Twitter, Snap-chat and other such sites are more popular for them. Smaller updates, more visually driven and temporary.
My question to church leaders, Pastors and committees and board members is this:
What are you doing to reach this generation? How are you strategically planning to reach their hearts and minds? Is relevance an issue when you are selecting a man or woman to lead your youth? Is what qualifies your youth Pastor a Bible College degree that they got 15 years ago in a foreign country?
Do your youth relate to him/her? What experiences do your leaders have that qualify them to reach your youth? An important lesson that I have learned is that it is so important to know who you are ministering to. The youth that you see at youth group or in church on Sunday mornings is not necessarily the same young person on Monday through Friday. Many have a church identity and a school identity. It is useless to try to minister to their church worldview and that ministry not impact who they are at school. I encourage Youth Leaders, Pastors and parents to go to your kids schools, have lunch in their cafeteria, walk the hallways in between class. I guarantee that you will be challenged to minister with greater Relevance to the 2014 High School Student.
Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; Proverbs 27:23